Monday, 27 February 2012

The Final Step

Here it is, the date for my pre-op was decided - 24th February, I had an email from Sarah Paganga to say that there was a slot available and would I want to take it, my answer was YES, of course, I only had 3 weeks to prepare and the meningitis injection I was previously given was the wrong one, they needed me to have the pneumoccoccal injection in order for the operation to go ahead, I had to quickly book one, my feelings were mixed, elated, excited, nervous as it was a big step and a major thing to actually happen in my life (apart from getting married and having the kids)

I recieved a letter with a pre-op date and the date of the operation in black and white, I was giddy with excitement, the pre-op was on the 22nd to do a video assessment and also to meet the surgeon again to sign forms and discuss any other concerns or questions I may have.

The video assessment was quite weird to be honest, it was to compare how I would sound in a year's time, upon videoing me, she asked me to read a passage, asked me a few questions such as - how many feet does an elephant have, my date of birth, where I lived, my full name etc, as well as counting to ten from being the quietest on one and increasing my voice up to ten, when I had to shout TEN in an empty room with Sarah videoing me - I felt a bit daft!!! I can only guess I'll laugh about it when I see it again or die of embarrassment LOL

That was the video assessment done, I went into the waiting room to wait for Mr Hellier, I met a lady in the waiting room who was implanted two weeks previously, I took the opportunity to ask her some questions about how she felt before the op, after the op and now, she said she woke up and thought she was dreaming and couldn't believe it was over and felt fantastic after, she looked good two weeks post op and was walking and talking normally which gave me hope.....

Mr Hellier called me in and asked me the usual questions whether if I was ill, taking medications which I said no to all, signed some forms which is procedure for before the operation like that I am allowing them to treat me if in any event I was to take ill or need a transfusion etc. Asked me which ear I wanted implanted and explained he would be drawing an arrow on my neck prior to surgery to make sure no mistakes are made, shook my hands and said I'll see you on friday with a grin.

Walked out of SOECIC all excited and full of hope!!

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