Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Day 7

Woke up feeling fabulous - the complete bed rest I had yesterday did me wonders and was raring to go - I had a cupcake order to make along with the round cake yesterday - 72 cupcakes (24 each of chocolate, baileys and vanilla) for my stepfather's son's 30th birthday on the saturday - 3rd March....I had ordered all the bits I needed, I just needed to get baking but to my shock, Lee volunteered to do the baking while I rested so I took the opportunity to do that and helped when I could.

I had no option but get icing the round cake which is the important part of the cake order and made a ew mistakes - comes from being tired and knackered but I got there in the end and went to bed at 12.30am after I had finished it. Thought to ice the cupcakes in the morning so I could get some sleep, my head was hurting so much,stress and rest is what I should be having but I stupidly agreed to the order thinking I'll be fine after a week - how wrong I was and I didn't have a nap at all that day when I should have done - that's my regret!

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